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Citroen C4 Owners & Service Manuals

Citroen C4: Settings

Citroen C4 (C41) 2020-2025 Owner's Manual / Touch screen BLUETOOTH audio system / Settings

Adjusting the brightness

Press "Settings".

Select "Display".

Press the buttons to adjust the brightness of the screen and/or of the instrument panel (depending on version).

Modifying system settings

Press "Settings".

Press "System".

Press "Privacy" to access the privacy settings.

Select "Units" to change the units of distance, fuel consumption and temperature.

Press "Factory settings" to return to the initial settings.

Press "System Info" to check the system version.

Privacy settings

Three data privacy options are available:

"No data sharing (data, vehicle position)"

"Only data sharing"

"Data and vehicle position sharing"

When data and vehicle position sharing are enabled, this symbol is displayed in the upper bar of the touch screen.

Selecting the language

Press "Settings".

Select "Languages" to change the language.

Setting the date and time

Press "Settings".

Press "Date/Time".

Setting the date:

Press the arrows to set the day, month and year.

First set the day, then the month.

Setting the time:

Press these buttons to set hours and minutes.

Select or deselect the 24h format.

In 12h format, choose "AM" or "PM".

The system does not automatically manage the change between winter and summer time.

Date format:

Select the display format for the date.

Citroen C4 (C41) 2020-2025 Owner's Manual

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