With Touch screen BLUETOOTH audio system
► Press on the Settings menu.
► Select "Display".
► Adjust the brightness by
pressing the buttons.
You can also switch off the screen:
► Select "Turn off screen".
The screen goes off completely.
► Press the screen again (anywhere on its surface) to activate it.
With MyCitroën Play
► Press Settings from the
status bar or from the menus
► Select "Brightness" or
"Screen configuration",
depending on equipment.
► Adjust the instrument panel
screen brightness by using the arrows or
moving the slider.
► Press this button to save and
exit, depending on equipment.
You can also switch off the screen:
► Press Settings from the
status bar or from the menus
► Select "Turn off screen" or
depending on equipment.
The screen goes off completely.
► Press the screen again (anywhere on its surface) to turn it on.
With MyCitroën Drive Plus
It is configured in the
Settings >
Brightness touch screen application.
► In the "Cockpit" category, press or move the slider to the desired setting.
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